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Volunteer Engagement Essentials Pack
Course/Training/Event Details
In this 3 hour and 20 minute curriculum, you will learn how to establish, manage, and grow your volunteer program. This curriculum provides a mix of videos, downloadable help guides, and podcasts that provide real world examples of successful volunteer efforts and frameworks for implementing your own program. This curriculum is best-suited for entry-to-mid-level professionals who are supporting volunteer programs or work with volunteers on a regular basis.
3 hours, 17 minutes
All levels
Class Language:
Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation
IMPORTANT: External link to NonProfitReady
When linking to access this class, a new window will open and you will be redirected to NonProfitReady, the official provider of the class you selected. You may need to log in, so if you are not yet registered with them you may be required to do so in order to access the content (free registration).GlobalSparks offers this listing free of charge, and this class/training was free at the time of our last database update; however, but we have no control on changes that may occur over time as the content supplier reserves the right to update their price structure. Please let us know if you encounter any difficulties – we’re here to help!
Volunteer Engagement Essentials Pack