We are proud to offer NPOs & NGOs
over 500 free & fee-based classes of special interest
to the non-profit environment

DISCLAIMER: Some of the training, classes, workshops listed on GlobalSparks.com are provided by third parties, NonProfitReady.org, the agif.org and nonprofit.courses being the main providers. Full content and copyrights are own by the providers and as such GlobalSparks cannot be held liable for any content or misinformation.

How it works: Most listed courses are, at the time of the last update, totally free of charge, while overtime several fee-based courses have been included in the list. Browse the list, select a course and click on its image. A new window will open. If not already registered with that platform, select the Enroll, Register or other button in order to create a free account with the content provider (or log in into your existing account if you already have one). You can then immediately start the course, or add it to your list for later review. Some classes are as little as a few minutes long, while others may take several hours of your time.

Other requirement: There should be absolutely no other requirement; therefore, in the event you are asked to pay anything, register for another course, or pushed into doing anything for whatever reason, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. immediately so we can investigate, as that would not be what this service is about. 


Here are some of the 500+ classes related to non-profit entities


Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

In this 19-minute video, career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers do not: Traditional rewards are not…

Word 2013 - Advanced Formatting

In this 1 hour online course you will learn Word 2013 features that make it easier to format your documents to give them a professional, stylized appearance. This course covers these features…

How to Use 360 Video

In this five minute video you will learn the basics of what 360 video is and how to best use it to connect with your organizations audience and supporters. This video is ideal for anyone…

Joe Gebbia: How Airbnb Designs for Trust

This 16-minute video is designed for anyone interested in approaching problems from a different perspective. Joe Gebbia, the co-founder of Airbnb, bet his whole company on the belief that…

Performance Feedback and Coaching

In this 53 minute curriculum you will learn strategies to provide coaching and feedback to your employees to increase their effectiveness and job satisfaction.

The Guide to Nonprofit Storytelling

In this 30 page guidebook, you will learn how nonprofit organizations must rely on stories to connect with their audience and build a community around their mission. Through storytelling,…

Introduction to Policy Governance (2 of 2)

This 38 minute video is designed for nonprofit leaders interested in board governance.

Communicating Across Cultures

In this 1-hour online course you will learn how to communicate effectively across cultures, including how to adjust your style to different forms of communication. This course offers…

PowerPoint 2016 - Modifying and Formatting Slides

In this 1-hour online course, you will learn how to set up a basic presentation, ordering a sequence of slides and applying a presentation theme and slide layout. You'll also learn how to add…


In this 11-minute video, Dan Pink illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace.

What Is Identity Theft?

What Is Identity Theft? Tagged as: Compliance,Security

Effect Change (Amanda Mesler, CEO, Logica)

This 4-minute video course gives advice for women in business, and how they can try to balance work and life in a successful manner. This video is mobile-friendly and includes a learner…

Impact of Emotions in the Workplace - Part B

This 15-minute online course is designed for anyone seeking to better identify and manage their emotions.

How To Write An Excellent Email Subject Line

In this 3-minute video, learn what should go into a subject line and how to test if yours is working. Most nonprofits spend 95% of their time working on the body of the email, overlooking…

The Ultimate Guide to PR for Nonprofits

In this 20 page guide you will learn how to put together a public relations strategy. Nonprofits that cannot afford professional PR help can feel stuck and powerless. Either way, the PR…

Shigeru Ban: Emergency Shelters Made from Paper

This 12-minute video is designed for anyone interested in shelter or sustainable architecture. Pritzker Prize-winning architect Shigeru Ban began experiments with ecologically sound building…

Getting into the Nonprofit Sector

This 4 minute video is designed for individuals considering a career transition to the nonprofit sector.

The Nonprofit’s Guide to Pitching Corporate Sponsors

In this 26-page guide, you will find everything you need to understand the most appropriate type of sponsorship for your organizations and what it takes to secure an effective relationship…

Preparing and Structuring an Oral Presentation

This 40-minute online course is designed for any professional seeking to improve their public speaking skills.

Catalyze Progress (Teresa Amabile, Professor, Harvard Business School)

This 6-minute video course explores the ways in which managers can enhance their direct reports' ability to make progress, through catalysts that promote progress and through avoiding…

Bloodborne Pathogens 103-02

This 50-minute online course defines bloodborne pathogens and describes the common diseases caused by them. The course also explains how to protect yourself from exposure to bloodborne…

The Nonprofit Ready Podcast: Jacki Weber, Homeboy Industries

This 30 minute podcast is designed for nonprofit professionals interested in learning more about career paths in fundraising and development.

The Emotional Skills of the Manager

This 20-minute online course is designed for all levels of managers and team leaders.

Address Your Unconscious Biases

In this 35-minute curriculum, comprised of 2-4 minute microlearning courses, you will learn how to tackle unconscious bias.

Presenting a Proposal (Business English Series)

This 8-minute micro-learning online course on presenting a proposal contains a 2 minute video, quiz, summary document and additional short audio clips. The presentation of a proposal is…

Assertiveness: Know Your Profile - Part B

This 15-minute online course is designed for anyone seeking to learn more about their strengths and weaknesses in order to become more assertive.

Acid and Caustic Awareness 117-02

This 1-hour online course explains how substances are ranked on the pH scale and describes general safety precautions and emergency actions employed when working with acids and caustics.

The Modern Meeting - Podcast

This 10-minute podcast by Al Pittampalli, the author of "Read This Before Our Next Meeting" outlines a fresh methodology to the meeting structure. The “modern meeting” encourages…

What Are Security and Privacy

What Are Security and Privacy. Tagged as: Compliance, Security

Performance Reviews for Leadership

This 33 minute recorded webinar is designed for nonprofit leaders seeking to enhance their organization's performance management practices.

Design for Non-Designers: 5 Design Cheats

This 4 minute video is designed for non-designers seeking to improve their design skills.

Executive Directors Guide to Fund Development

In this 18-page guide, you will learn how to set up a development plan, how to manage the transition to more complex fundraising and how to engage your board of directors in the fundraising…

Unlocking Google Ad Grants

This curriculum is best-suited for those who work on marketing, fundraising, and volunteerism efforts.

Social Networking for Users

In this 1-hour online course, you will learn how to employ social networking services in a business context. Focus will be placed on the services available and using them in a professional…

Support an Inclusive Culture

In this one-hour and 15-minute curriculum, comprised of 4-10 minute microlearning courses, you will learn how to support an inclusive culture within your workplace.

Online Outreach Tools Guide

Trying to decide if you should invest time and resources into tweeting or blogging? Have you heard the terms but are not sure what they mean or how they fit into your work? This can be…


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