We are proud to offer NPOs & NGOs
over 500 free & fee-based classes of special interest
to the non-profit environment
DISCLAIMER: Some of the training, classes, workshops listed on GlobalSparks.com are provided by third parties, NonProfitReady.org, the agif.org and nonprofit.courses being the main providers. Full content and copyrights are own by the providers and as such GlobalSparks cannot be held liable for any content or misinformation.
How it works: Most listed courses are, at the time of the last update, totally free of charge, while overtime several fee-based courses have been included in the list. Browse the list, select a course and click on its image. A new window will open. If not already registered with that platform, select the Enroll, Register or other button in order to create a free account with the content provider (or log in into your existing account if you already have one). You can then immediately start the course, or add it to your list for later review. Some classes are as little as a few minutes long, while others may take several hours of your time.
Other requirement: There should be absolutely no other requirement; therefore, in the event you are asked to pay anything, register for another course, or pushed into doing anything for whatever reason, please
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Here are some of the 500+ classes related to non-profit entities
In this nine minute video, you will learn proven strategies to organize your google grant campaign, providing a solid foundation for success. Understanding the best practices provided in this…
In this 60 minute curriculum you will learn the about the responsibilities of nonprofit leaders to ensure that their organizations boards are running efficiently and adhere to the highest…
In this six minute video, you will learn about the different advertisement options within Facebook. You will learn about how Facebook serves ads to individuals that could be interested in…
This 15-minute online course focuses on how to identify, evaluate, process and supervise project risks. The course is designed for anyone responsible for managing projects and/or programs and…
In this 3-minute video learn how to pull together simple and effective data visualizations using Google Spreadsheets.
This 1-hour online course explains how substances are ranked on the pH scale and describes general safety precautions and emergency actions employed when working with acids and caustics.
This 51 minute recorded webinar is designed for nonprofit professionals seeking to build a basic understanding of how big data can support an organization's HR objectives.
This 50-minute online course will teach you to recognize the health risks associated with working around ammonia. You will also be able to identify steps to protect yourself during general…
In this 1-hour online course, you will learn about navigating and using the Outlook calendar and creating events, appointments, and tasks. This course also covers how to add additional…
In this 1-hour online course, you will learn how the establishment of trust and credibility along with specific, behaviors bring about confident communication and enhance your influence.
This 15-minute online course is designed for managers seeking to improve their ability to coach employees to higher performance.
These sample reserve policies are provided to get you started, but keep in mind that no example will be an exact fit for your organization. Never adopt a policy without a thorough review and…
This 1-hour webcast focuses on how to clear and calm your mind, arrange your schedule and environment, and gently but firmly manage the expectations of people around you so that you can…
In this 3 hour curriculum, you will learn the prinicples of building an effective talent management program for your organizaiton. You will learn how to recruit and retain talented nonprofit…
In this 1-hour online course you will learn the functionality and interface changes new with Office 2010.
Ce cours en ligne de quatre-vingt-dix minutes permet à l'apprenant de bien comprendre les termes et les idées liés à la justice entre les femmes et les hommes et les droits des femmes. À…
In this two minute video, author Jonah Lehrer tackles the question psychologists have been baffled by for nearly half a century; is brainstorming is a technique that extracts the best out of…
This 15-minute online course is designed for anyone responsible for administering performance reviews.
What Is Identity Theft? Tagged as: Compliance,Security
In this 1-hour online course you will learn how to communicate effectively across cultures, including how to adjust your style to different forms of communication. This course offers…
In this 45-minute recorded webinar, you will learn how to seek and apply for grants. New nonprofits can have a particularly challenging time securing funding in their early growth stage. This…
In this 1-hour online course, you will learn the meaning of strategic thinking and how it can improve your organization’s effectiveness. Your capacity to think strategically will be…
In this 26-page guide, you will find everything you need to understand the most appropriate type of sponsorship for your organizations and what it takes to secure an effective relationship…
In this 1-hour online course you will learn key new features and enhancements in the Office 2010 suite of products. It also introduces product-specific new features and enhancements in the…
In this 10-minute microlearning course, internationally recognized thought leader and nonprofit expert – Beth Kanter demonstrates how the daily use of technology can result in emotional,…
This 49 minute recorded webinar is designed for nonprofit leaders seeking best practices in employing change management strategies.
This 50-minute online course explains the four fuel sources and the appropriate extinguisher to use to put out a small, incipient fire and apply the safest procedures for extinguishing a fire…
What Are Security and Privacy. Tagged as: Compliance, Security
This 1-page resource focuses on 10 key steps to planning and monitoring an annual budget to ensure it reflects your organization’s programs, mission, and strategic plan.
This 9-minute video demonstrates how to conduct A/B testing. Data is valuable information, and it will always tell you the right answer. If you can’t find an answer run a test. This is…
This 2.5-hour curriculum provides fundamentals of financial management in the context of projects in humanitarian, development, and conservation sectors. The five courses are designed to…
This 3-minute video course explores how the artist Chuck Close embraced and overcame his challenges. This video is mobile-friendly and includes a learner guide, summary, and transcript.…
In this 6-minute video, you will learn to use Facebook data to find your target audience. Facebook has a lot of data on everyone, and there are ways to find your target audience within…
This 15-minute online course is designed for managers seeking to improve their ability to coach employees to higher performance.
This 40 page guide will teach you about the metrics you need to track in order accurately report on success and areas of improvement. When your organization observes and applies the right…
This 4-minute video course gives advice for women in business, and how they can try to balance work and life in a successful manner. This video is mobile-friendly and includes a learner…
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