We are proud to offer NPOs & NGOs
over 500 free & fee-based classes of special interest
to the non-profit environment

DISCLAIMER: Some of the training, classes, workshops listed on GlobalSparks.com are provided by third parties, NonProfitReady.org, the agif.org and nonprofit.courses being the main providers. Full content and copyrights are own by the providers and as such GlobalSparks cannot be held liable for any content or misinformation.

How it works: Most listed courses are, at the time of the last update, totally free of charge, while overtime several fee-based courses have been included in the list. Browse the list, select a course and click on its image. A new window will open. If not already registered with that platform, select the Enroll, Register or other button in order to create a free account with the content provider (or log in into your existing account if you already have one). You can then immediately start the course, or add it to your list for later review. Some classes are as little as a few minutes long, while others may take several hours of your time.

Other requirement: There should be absolutely no other requirement; therefore, in the event you are asked to pay anything, register for another course, or pushed into doing anything for whatever reason, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. immediately so we can investigate, as that would not be what this service is about. 


Here are some of the 500+ classes related to non-profit entities


Preparing and Structuring the Annual Performance Review - Part A

This 10-minute online course is designed for anyone responsible for administering performance reviews.

Coaching and Performance Feedback for Nonprofit Leaders

This 43 minute recorded webinar is designed for nonprofit managers seeking to integrate more meaningful coaching and feedback into their performance management process.

Volunteer Engagement Essentials Pack

In this 3 hour and 20 minute curriculum, you will learn how to establish, manage, and grow your volunteer program. This curriculum provides a mix of videos, downloadable help guides, and…

The Emerging Leaders Playbook

In this 55-page downloadable book, authors Beth Kanter and Third Plateau Consulting provide a comprehensive toolkit to help you, and your nonprofit, navigate the complex nature of growing a…

Excel 2010 - Applying Basic Data Formatting

In this 1-hour online course you will learn Excel 2010 tools and features that allow you to visually enhance the appearance of worksheets and workbooks. Data and cells can be manipulated and…

The Relationship Skills of the Manager - Part A

This 15-minute online course is designed for all levels of managers and team leaders.

Google Presentations: 02-Working with Images, Video and Tables, Animating Slide Elements, Collaborat

This 1 hour 15-minute online course details the different features available in Google Presentations. This is part two of a two part course series.

Gas Monitoring Basics 117-20

This 60-minute online course describes the basic design and operation of a gas monitor

What is a VPN

What is a VPN. Tagged as: Compliance, Security

Excel 2013 - Formatting Data

In this 1-hour online course, you will learn Excel 2013 tools and features that allow you to visually enhance the appearance of data, automatically fill data, and create hyperlinks to various…

How to Track and Scale Your Efforts

In this five minute video you will learn how to track your Google Ad campaigns and how to scale your efforts with Google Analytics. Google Analytics will help you understand what is happening…

Project Management Essentials - Part A

This 15-minute online course is designed for anyone responsible for managing projects and/or programs.

A/B Testing: The Beginner's How-To Guide

This 9-minute video demonstrates how to conduct A/B testing. Data is valuable information, and it will always tell you the right answer. If you can’t find an answer run a test. This is…

The Power to Create

In this four minute video, Matthew Taylor, the chief executive of the RSA, offers a vision for the future - a world where every individual has the freedom and opportunity to develop their…

Getting into the Nonprofit Sector

This 4 minute video is designed for individuals considering a career transition to the nonprofit sector.

Drawing Up a Project Budget - Part B

This 15-minute online course is designed for anyone responsible for managing projects and/or programs.

Cultural Fit in the Nonprofit Sector

This 4-page document is a Bridgespan conversation with Brian O-Connell, co-founder of Independent Sector, and provides insights into the culture of nonprofits and the essential considerations…

Outlook 2013 - Managing E-mail

In this 1-hour online course, you will learn to work with attachments and signatures in your messages in Outlook 2013. Managing your e-mail by sorting, filter, printing and deleting messages…

10 #GivingTuesday Email Templates

This downloadable document provides 10 email templates for your organization to use and modify in the days leading up to, and during #GivingTuesday.

The Secret Powers of Time

In this 11-minute video, renowned psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo explains how our individual perspectives of time affect our work, health and well-being.

9 Ways to Promote Your YouTube Video Like You Give a Darn! Part 1

This 8 minute video is designed for anyone responsible for administering and promoting their nonprofit's presence on YouTube.

Collaborative Technology Wellness: Preventing Overload

In this 10-minute microlearning course, internationally recognized thought leader and nonprofit expert – Beth Kanter demonstrates how the over-reliance and overuse of collaborative…

Increase Data Security When Traveling

Increase Data Security When Traveling. Tagged as: Compliance, Security

Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

In this 19-minute video, career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers do not: Traditional rewards are not…

Introduction to Negotiation and Conflict Management

In completing this course, you will gain proficiency in the following skills: (1)Preparing for negotiation, (2)Cultivating relationships with constituents and counterparts, (3)Focusing on…

Making Your New Management Position Successful - Part B

This 15-minute online course is designed for new managers as well as those looking for a basic refresher on the core principles of management.

Mindfulness: Coping with Stress

This 8-minute micro-learning online course on mindfulness contains a 3 minute video, quiz, summary document and additional short audio clips. When you are stressed at work, your body may go…

Anyone Can Change the World

In this four minute video, Matthew Taylor, the chief executive of the RSA, offers a vision for the future - a world where every individual has the freedom and opportunity to develop their…

Excel 2013 - Advanced Formulas and Functions

In this 1-hour online course you will learn Excel 2013 functions in the Date and time, Logical, and Lookup and reference categories that enable you to quickly complete tasks and analyze data.…

Word 2010 - Getting Started

In this 1-hour online course, you will learn Word 2010 features that allow you to create attractive and engaging documents. This course explores these topics and many other basics of using…

Understanding Reserves

In this 3 minute video you will learn the core concepts of cash reserves. Whether you call it the rainy day fund, a nest egg, or your safety net, reserves are an important and sound nonprofit…

Effective Decision-Making - Part B

This 15-minute online course is designed for nonprofit leaders seeking to improve their decision-making skills.

Shelter Fundamentals

This 2.5-hour online course will prepare participants to assist in the opening, organizing, operating, and closing of a Red Cross shelter. This course is designed for those individuals…

Excel 2013 - Formatting Cells and Worksheets

In this 1-hour online course, you will learn Excel 2013 tools and features that allow you to visually enhance the appearance of worksheets and workbooks. Data and cells can be manipulated and…

Quick Guide to Online Fundraising

This 5 minute video is designed for fundraising-focused nonprofit professionals.

Outlook 2010 - Managing Attachments, Graphics, Signatures, and Autoreplies

In this 1-hour online course you will learn to create e-mail messages that include compelling visuals and graphics that capture the reader’s attention in Outlook 2010. You can also attach…


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