Over 20,000+ FREE ONLINE COURSES for everyone
from Alison, Coursera, edX, NonProfitReady.org, Skillshare, Udemy, colleges/universities, and others
Access over 200,000 courses by following the links
Here are some of the free classes:
Live healthy by improving your diet and gaining a good understanding of calories with this free course.
Foundation Course to get insight into Blockchain Technology with session on live Ethereum Blockchain
Whether beginner or expert, everyone can improve
In this 1-hour online course, you will learn how to maximize team creativity by exploring several topics such as how creativity is influenced by work environment and team diversity.
Use social media as a teaching tool without using internet.
Learn about Pipefy's basic key features and empower your team to increase their productivity!
In this free online course, learn about the fundamental skills and functions of Management Principles.
Be able to create and implement an electronic switch for a larger electronic circuit
I started making videos for YouTube and now I want to reach more people using the Skillshare pla... - Estoy seguro que tienes la sensación de que con YouTube se puede hacer algo más que ver…
For full details, please link to the class description.
流行病学绪论 疾病的分布 描述流行病学 队列研究 病例对照研究 病因与病因推断 期末考试
Get a taste of iPhone app development in Xcode on less than 2 hours.
UML, Visual Paradigm, Use case diagram, Class diagram, Activity diagram, Sequence diagram
دورة احترافية جداً سوف تكون بداية طريقك الى الاحتراف في تعلم لغة البي اتش بي وسوف ننطلق بها من الاساسيات…
Simple and Fun Keto Meals
Discover the context and relationships of world literature and delve into some of its key works in this free course.
How to Sell Information Products, Training Courses, Software or Any Type of Digital Product or Service.
For full details, please link to the class description.
For full details, please link to the class description.
New to home working and need to collaborate with a team? Needing to self-isolate and want to remain productive?
Bienestar y equidad
Bienvenido al primer módulo de este curso. Este primer encuentro con el curso te permitirá relacionar el bienestar físico, psicológico y social de las personas con las…
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
Valorizaciones de Obras y curva S
For full details, please link to the class description.
Search all of the free online classes |
DISCLAIMER: the following information is provided as a free service. All content is provided by third parties such as Alison.com, Coursera.org, NonProfitReady.org, Skillshare.com, Udemy.com, and others. GlobalSparks provides customized lists of available courses and then links directly to the related platform. GlobalSparks cannot be held liable for any content or misinformation. See COPYRIGHTS information.
How it works: All listed courses are, at the time of the last database update, totally free of charge. Browse the list, select a course and click on its image. A new window will open. If not already registered with that platform, select the Enroll, Register or other button in order to create a free account with them (or log in into your existing account if you already have one). You can then immediately start the course, or add it to your list for later review.
Other requirement: There should be absolutely no other requirement; therefore, in the event you are asked to pay anything, register for another course, or pushed into doing anything for whatever reason, please
Not always free: Keep in mind that many courses are not free forever, and unfortunately it is not possible to remain totally up-to-date with all the content providers. In the event you link to a class that is no longer free, we suggest you come back on this platform and try another one, unless of course you're willing to pay for the course in question, which is most probably offered at a discounted price.
Certificates: Each class provider regulates the issue of a certificate of completion. Beware that many courses either do not offer certificates, or certificates may be available only for the paid version of a course (when applicable). GlobalSparks does not provide a certificate of completion for these free classes.
About the sources of these classes: The content providers come from global marketplaces for learning and teaching online where students are mastering new skills and achieving their goals by learning from extensive libraries of over 200,000 classes/courses.
About the affiliate relationship: GlobalSparks is part of a registered public charity (FEA & Renor Foundation) which generates the revenue needed to cover its operational expenses, so that it can fulfill its goal of distributing to its beneficiaries 100% of the donations it receives. While offering the following list of free classes, in some cases GlobalSparks may be an affiliate of the course provider; if so, in the event a user decides to actually purchase any fee-based courses on one of those platforms, GlobalSparks may receive a small commission to help cover the operation expenses of our non-profit entity.