Over 20,000+ FREE ONLINE COURSES for everyone
from Alison, Coursera, edX, NonProfitReady.org, Skillshare, Udemy, colleges/universities, and others
Access over 200,000 courses by following the links

 Read about How it works



Here are some of the free classes:

Brazil for Beginners

Learn Interesting facts about Brazil and how Brazil emerges on the world stage.

Kit básico (para evitar los errores más frecuentes) de finanzas

Bienvenidos y bienvenidas
En este primer módulo te damos la bienvenida al curso y te ofrecemos una serie de informaciones que creemos te serán útiles para que lo aproveches al máximo. Te…

Instagram Automation Pro

Automate Your Instagram for Maximum Growth in Minimal Time

Industria del tipo 4.0 y 5.0

Civilización tipo I (escala Nicolai Kardashev)

Character Modeling Challenge

For full details, please link to the class description.

The Power Of Questions

Questions can flip your life around real easy? Empower your life NOW by always asking the right questions.

Como crear documentos PDF en PHP - Generar reportes PDF

Aprende a generar archivos PDF con PHP y la librería HTML2PDF. Crear reportes PDF desde PHP paso a paso y desde cero.

Sketchup Architect Beginner Fast Track

Learn the fundamental tools necessary to model with SketchUp

Learn Spring Boot the Easy Way!

Learn Spring Boot the Easy Way, with example and Interview questions..

Afrique et mondialisation, regards croisés

Avec Bertrand Badie.
Avec Bertrand Badie. | Notre monde globalisé nécessite une nouvelle approche de l’international, en rupture avec les théories classiques.

Crash Courses in Crochet with Connie Lee: Basic Stitches

Hi, y'all! My name is Connie and I'm a CYC Certified Crochet Instructor and published designer. - I started designing in 2009 and I've been teaching since 2013 from Georgia to Texas to…

Mouth Control – Tom McCutcheon

Tom talks about the importance of controlling your horse’s face and maintaining mouth control.

[Travel in Korea]The most useful 15 Korean sentences - Part 1

If you want to travel to Korea, are you worried that you may not communicate with Koreans? - Do you feel that your trip leaves you regret just because that you don't know some easy…

Music & Society

Welcome to the Course
Great that you are joining us! In this course you will learn about the various roles, functions, and positions music can have in our contemporary society. Before you…

Fund the People Toolkit: The Case Making Collection

This 56-page guide provides comprehensive tools, resources and data to help you make cogent arguments for investing in nonprofit talent -customized to your particular context. Most nonprofit…

Enjoy This Life 4 free

Der Kurs mit Pascal Voggenhuber

(مهارات تربوية لا غنى عنها لكل مربي (البوصلة

Educational skills that are essential for every parent يشتمل هذا الكورس علي 10 مهارات تربوية لا غني عنها لكل مربي

Escolhas Melhores

O seu Facilitador de Decisões

Learn Revit Architecture from basic to advance Level

if you want to learn Revit Architecture from IIT Working professional then enroll is course

Learn Quran verse by verse Juz 19 (Wa Qalallazina)

Juz 19 (Wa Qalallazina) Surah Al-Furqaan 25:21 to Surah An-Naml 27:55

What is Economics?

For any curious student or adult!

 Search all of the free online classes



DISCLAIMER: the following information is provided as a free service. All content is provided by third parties such as Alison.com, Coursera.org, NonProfitReady.org, Skillshare.com, Udemy.com, and others. GlobalSparks provides customized lists of available courses and then links directly to the related platform. GlobalSparks cannot be held liable for any content or misinformation. See COPYRIGHTS information.

How it works: All listed courses are, at the time of the last database update, totally free of charge. Browse the list, select a course and click on its image. A new window will open. If not already registered with that platform, select the Enroll, Register or other button in order to create a free account with them (or log in into your existing account if you already have one). You can then immediately start the course, or add it to your list for later review.

Other requirement: There should be absolutely no other requirement; therefore, in the event you are asked to pay anything, register for another course, or pushed into doing anything for whatever reason, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. immediately so we can investigate, as that would not be what this service is about. 

Not always free: Keep in mind that many courses are not free forever, and unfortunately it is not possible to remain totally up-to-date with all the content providers. In the event you link to a class that is no longer free, we suggest you come back on this platform and try another one, unless of course you're willing to pay for the course in question, which is most probably offered at a discounted price.

Certificates: Each class provider regulates the issue of a certificate of completion. Beware that many courses either do not offer certificates, or certificates  may be available only for the paid version of a course (when applicable). GlobalSparks does not provide a certificate of completion for these free classes. 

About the sources of these classes: The content providers come from global marketplaces for learning and teaching online where students are mastering new skills and achieving their goals by learning from extensive libraries of over 200,000 classes/courses.

About the affiliate relationship: GlobalSparks is part of a registered public charity (FEA & Renor Foundation) which generates the revenue needed to cover its operational expenses, so that it can fulfill its goal of distributing to its beneficiaries 100% of the donations it receives. While offering the following list of free classes, in some cases GlobalSparks may be an affiliate of the course provider; if so, in the event a user decides to actually purchase any fee-based courses on one of those platforms, GlobalSparks may receive a small commission to help cover the operation expenses of our non-profit entity.