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Course/Training/Event Details
The Music Industry
This week, you'll learn about the history of the music industry, dating back to 1900. You'll also learn about recent technological advances have changed the music industry.
Recording Agreements
This week, you'll learn the ins and outs of recording agreements and why they are important. You'll learn what royalties and advances are and how they are calculated. You'll also learn about 360 degree or "all-in" deals.
Copyright Basics
This week will focus on copyright law. You'll learn about the history of copyright. You'll learn about the various types of rights and when copyright infringement occurs. You'll also learn how to register your creative works with the United States Copyright Office.
Managers, Agents, and Attorneys
This week outlines the various roles in the Music Business Team - Managers, Agents, and Attorneys. You'll also learn how to negotiate a contract for each of these roles.
This week, you'll learn about the history of the music industry, dating back to 1900. You'll also learn about recent technological advances have changed the music industry.
Recording Agreements
This week, you'll learn the ins and outs of recording agreements and why they are important. You'll learn what royalties and advances are and how they are calculated. You'll also learn about 360 degree or "all-in" deals.
Copyright Basics
This week will focus on copyright law. You'll learn about the history of copyright. You'll learn about the various types of rights and when copyright infringement occurs. You'll also learn how to register your creative works with the United States Copyright Office.
Managers, Agents, and Attorneys
This week outlines the various roles in the Music Business Team - Managers, Agents, and Attorneys. You'll also learn how to negotiate a contract for each of these roles.
Length of class not available at this time (see update in the Details section)
Class Language:
John P. Kellogg - Berklee College of Music
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Music Business Foundations