Ttouch for Your Students & Feldenkraus Method DVD ($45/$34)

Course/Training/Event Details

Ttouch for Your Students: As a Ttouch and Feldenkrais practitioner, Pamela Beets brings Linda Tellington-Jones’ Ttouch techniques to a practical level, teaching instructors how to utilize different touches in alleviating lesson horses’ discomfort …
104 minutes
All levels
Class Language:
CHA, Pamela Beets

IMPORTANT: External link to CHA

When linking to access this DVD, a new window will open and you will be redirected to the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) website where you can order the DVD(s). CHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity. Members of CHA get a discounted price. GlobalSparks offers this listing free of charge, but CHA reserves the right to charge a fee for their products. Please let us know if you encounter any difficulties – we’re here to help!