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Membership for trainers, teachers, mentors, motivators, content providers

Being a content provider on the GlobalSparks Academy offers many advantages seldom available elsewhere:
- Free registration
- Renewable 2-year Content Provider Membership
- Outstanding revenue share model
- Lifetime Silver Membership included
- Become part of one of the largest educational platform in the world
- Easy-to-use front-end
- Edit course(s) at will
- Statistics on your course(s) and your students
- Automatic payment system (being finalized), direct to your Paypal, AliPay, WeChat Pay account (or other account)
- Cross-marketing throughout the platform
- Affiliate program available, covering all fee-based courses on the GlobalSparks channel
- And more...
SPECIAL NOTE: For individuals who would like to market themselves to all of Asia, consider a membership as a TrainOpreneur. A cost is involved, but it offers very valuable benefits. Compare the two...
Duration: | Lifetime |
Price: | Free |