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Kumar Gaurav

The creative mind Kumar Gaurav, was born in India and nurtured for creativity during his school days. Moved to an urban city from a small town for study where struggled hard for during college days. In early college days had to start looking for extra earning sources, however it did not see any success. Had to serve thru various roles in 14 years of career span of IT sector. However the golden period of life learning started in year 2005 where i was introduced with LOA thru one of an NGO’s educational wing. No earning or less earning but the learning started on full swing about life. Encountered with my Spiritual super Mentor. Life took the elevator shift then.
My mind became a thinker cloud, started getting directions in my life. Started designing learning systems by my own for newbies but never published them. However followed society and got indulged myself in the rat race of 9 to 5.
I was always in search of Freedom, a complete FREEDOM. My spiritual mentor took charge of...