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Faiza Ibrahim-Audu

Nutrition Consultant with knowledge in Functional Nutrition, Ayurveda and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
In a nutshell, I am not the nutritionist who’s trying to get you to just lose weight, I’m the nutritionist who’s trying to get you to know your body, listen to it, understand the cues and have a more sustainable relationship with food.
I’m Faizah, a Nutritionist, and I love food, a lot. I almost named this ‘the nutritionist foodie’ or ‘the food- loving nutritionist’ but for obvious reasons I didn’t. I have always loved to eat a variety of foods, assorted cuisines and all, because food just tastes nice, especially good food, you know the ones that look really good and you know they are gonna have you saying things like oooooh and ohhh. Yeah those. All these foods and people still have rules?, I’ll never get that.
Like everyone else, I used to think food was just food, I originally believed it to be merely fuel to keep me going. Those beliefs led me to a...