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Marylen Velasco

Marylen Ramos-Velasco is the Founder and CEO of Customized Training Solutions (CTS) Pte. Ltd. - Asia's most trusted learning & business solutions provider. She has extensive years of experience in sales & marketing, customer service, events management, operations and training production.Prior to CTS, she worked as a Senior Training Producer with PetroSync and handled categories in Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum Economics/Finance, Cost Engineering/Project Management, Human Resources and more. She also worked with TPGI, as sales executive with corporate accounts and financials as her major market for both training and summits.Before that, she has worked with Sofitel Philippine Plaza (managed by Accor), Traders Hotel (managed by Shangri La Group) and resorts managed by leading hotel operators.She had successfully handled major events from multinational companies like Bayer, Chevron, Citi, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, Isuzu, L'Oreal, Nestle, Novartis,...