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Monisha Periasamy

Hello, I'm Monisha. I am into digital marketing from Tamil Nadu for the past 3 years!> Digital marketer one who is Self-learner, focused on results and takes up challenges, seeking an opportunity to be part of a reputed organization to constantly learn, relearns and employs various competencies required for organizational and mutual growth.>Brainchild of TNDMCOMMUNITY - Tamil Nadu Digital Marketers Community. A project to practice digital marketing.Link: have practical experience with SEO and Social Media marketing.Worked in:1) Client Account handling2) SEO Manager: Onpage, Offpage SEO based on clients requirements. Local SEO, Image optimization.3) Social Media Marketing Manager : Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Obtained Leads and Sales for a b2b food products distribution business through Facebook ads and Instagram ads.4)Beginner in Google ads words.5) Own project - learnt to handle WordPress website, Experiment on-page SEO, Technical SEO, Local ...