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Logesh Manoharan

Founder of LknocksY (B2C & B2B) Go-To-Market Specialist | Lead Generation Evangelist | Growth Hacker
Lead Generation is in my blood, Sales & Marketing is my passion. I always think in terms of "How can I solve this problem", since this has been my style throughout my career, my search for finding answers to most pressing questions added values to my customer's pain point and identified a strategic solution. Passion, Focus, Intensity, and being loyal are all characteristics that have enabled me to achieve success inside and outside of the office.End-of-the-day we are dealing with humans. I am a very humorous and emotional storyteller which created resonance and engaged my Customer in my whole selling journey. With my refined skill set, I bring Customer-Centric mindfulness that enabled them to change and act.“What next” is my curiosity which drives me to be a lifelong learner…Specialized in Market Research, Lead Generation, Demand Generation, Sales Management, Process...