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Dr. Yashoda Bhaskar MD

Dr. Yashoda Bhaskar is a physician with 20+ years of clinical experience, an ICF Certified Life Coach and a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®.
"I help women physicians and other professionals overcome their limiting beliefs about money, beat burnout, and regain control over their financial wellbeing.
A few things I have learned through my years as a practicing physician and money coach:
Financial anxiety is the NUMBER ONE cause of stress.Money keeps us stuck in jobs we hate and causes disharmony in our relationships.Our finances can become a major life struggle... and there is little help available.This can manifest itself in a myriad of physical and psychological ailments as well as affect relationships with loved ones. Money healing work helps you identify and move beyond the financial traumas that consume your life, and ultimately, your health.
As a CERTIFIED MONEY COACH (CMC)®, I help you solve problems associated with money choices and patterns so that you can attain more...