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Muthukumaraswamy Jegannath

Muthu has completed his M.B.A in HR & Technology Management from Osmania University, Hyderabad after his post-graduation in Psychology. He is passionate about Waste management, Psychometrics based training interventions and is certified in Environment Management, Workplace Big 5, TA-101, DISC, MENSA & CB5 tools.
OD Interventions: As the Principal Consultant, State Capacity Building & IEBC Strategy, MA&UD Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh between Jan 2017 and Sep 2018, Muthu was instrumental in establishing State Capacity Building, Institution Building and IEBC Mission Management Unit (SCIMMU). SCIMMU conducts blended Capacity Building workshops for SWM service providers and citizen engagement through Institution Building and Behavior Change Communication activities for local self-governance towards Sustainable Development Goals. As independent Consultant for APSIRD&PR and APDRP, designed Capacity Building Strategy under guidance of Spl.Comnnr.- APSDMA for CBDRM in 508 Vulnerable...