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Sudha Subramanian

VP Business Development at SIMBYM Simplified Integrated Management BY Metrics. Configurable & No Coding! SAAS Platform.
A passionately motivated self-starter, with a proven track record of over three decades in achieving business goals year after year in highly competitive markets. Holds Masters in Public Admin, Masters in Inclusive Education; Specialization in Special Education, Fellow in Insurance and Sales Management, Pitman's Certification in Higher Accountancy U.K., Certified Senior Mentor LEEDS University U.K. Using technology across multiple domains in her career as an entrepreneur, administrator, marketeer in Insurance and Finance and NGO management; compelled her to equipped herself with the necessary know how processes. She sharpened her skill sets further, to get a cutting edge in the digital arena.Director, NGO Management, Entreprenuer, Educator, Researcher, Mentor, Investor , Govt Compliances, Strategy ,Planning & Marketing