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Rosetta Greer

President at Crowning Your Essence, Inc.
Thought-Provoking Question: Are you being compassionate and introspective as a leader or entrepreneur? What value do you provide to millions of people?If you're feeling stuck, lost, or uneasy about your purpose in the world of business, book your session with me and realign with your passion through purpose.I am an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Business Coach, Empowerment Speaker, Momager, and Self-help Author!I empower leaders and entrepreneurs to cultivate compassion and introspection throughout their endeavors to give a greater value to their intended audience.I studied pychology for 4 years at the University of Tennessee. I am a Certified Noble Design Coach and Holistic Life Coach. I have over 5000 hours of individual, couple, and group coaching. I have 4+ years of professional public speaking. I founded Crowning Your Essence, Inc. in 2017. I founded a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Royal Circle of Sisters, Inc. in 2019.I am releasing my...