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David Talmor

David Talmor is a Resonating Coach for Individuals, Couples, Businesses, and Groups ~~ We are all resonating, all the time. Every person and every thing is continually sending and receiving vibrations. How we resonate with ourselves and with the people and world around us has a big impact on our lives, even though we don't feel most of the vibrations or resonating.
It's~A~Resonating~World makes us aware of the vibrations and resonating within ourselves, in our relationships with other people, in groups and businesses, and in society and the world as a whole.
As the Founder of It's~A~Resonating~World, David Talmor helps Individuals, Couples, Businesses, and Groups to become aware of and understand the role of Resonating and how they can use Resonating as a tool to their benefit.