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Prashant Mehta

Founder of V Care Educational Solutions Educator, Profiler, Student recruiter, CEGR, FICCI-illa, ICCC(F), ALP, ICEF, NAFSA.
41 years of experience(present) in Class room/Online teaching as a Biology Teacher, in a Higher Secondary School. Also learnt CCC, Intel Teach for the future (attended learning), CIE (Cleared 2 modules). Early retired,Left protected job due to illness mainly & meet international standards of Education.Now providing e Educational videos to learners at low cost takeaway & 10 WiFi n Computing lab free for all always to e Learn from KG to PG at v Care Educational Solutions,also supporting many platforms & facilities in whole Gujarat with minimized margin & high proliferation,in return to pension.Teaching general biology to learners according to syllabus and my way ,learn how to learn!Study different languages and teach students free depending upon casual conversations. Earn and learn more, as much as I am permitted by international...