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Ravichandran Subramanian

As a Brand Strategist, I have a wealth of experience creating, developing, and implementing brand strategies that drive business growth. With over 8 years in the industry, I have developed a deep understanding of the latest branding trends and techniques and I am able to create a brand that truly resonates with consumers.I specialize in creating brand strategies that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Whether it's through differentiation, cost leadership, niche marketing, brand extension, or revitalization, I work closely with my clients to understand their goals and objectives and create a strategy that will help them achieve them.I have a strong background in conducting research, analyzing data, and identifying key insights, this enables me to develop a deep understanding of the industry, target market, and competition. I also have experience in the implementation, monitoring, and measurement of brand strategies, ensuring that the brand is aligned and...