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Candice Cheng

Master Trainer | Speaker | Client Engagement Expert | Curriculum & Module Designer | Self-Empowerment Coach.
"My philosophy is that the HEART is at the centre of Training and beyond – it is the driving force behind all that we do and are capable of. I firmly believe that successful, effective learning can only take place when the hearts of the audience are moved to be transformed.
I work with my clients to understand their immediate and long-term needs before building curriculum and designing programmes based on their business and people development objectives. This includes mapping of current service delivery to determine new ways of elevating the client experience, developing and coaching internal training teams as well as charting their future progress."All modules are made-to-measure based on specific organization needs e.g.▪ The New Client Connection▪ Enneagram Profiling & Coaching▪ The EQ Leader▪ Communicate in Style▪ The Art of Selling▪ Creative Retail...