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Grace A. Kelly

Educator, Counsellor, Crisis Interventionist, Grief, and Bereavement Therapist, motivational speaker, seminar and workshop presenter, author and friend. Dr. Kelly is also a Restorative Justice Practitioner with specialized training in RJ Circles and Restorative Conferencing for Serious Offences. She studied at Maldon Secondary School St. James, Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville Jamaica, Andrews University, Michigan USA, the International Institute of Restorative Practice USA and the Stonebridge Associated Colleges in the United Kingdom.Dr. Kelly is an Associate Professor, Curriculum Development Specialist, a passionate volunteer Community Development Worker, who has worked with a number the Church and a wide range of local and international Governmental and Non-Governmental Community-Based organizations to implement and positively impact community and nation-building efforts. Over the years her professional, volunteer and missionary pursuits afforded her the opportunity to...