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Grace Hakim

Director of Boutique Office, Director Consultant BNI Grow Chapter, Author and Destination Consultant.
"I am the co-founder and director of Boutique Office Indonesia, an executive office provider in Jakarta which started in 2012. My business provides professional assistance from market research, company incorporation, serviced office space and relocation service for my clients.
Having a strong background in real estate and hospitality industry for more than 15 years, I am a forward-thinking individual with my eyes set on the future. I believe every entrepreneur should be a master of wearing different hats but the main priority will always be service, innovation and having the right network.
My core values are gratitude, integrity and persistence.
When I am not working, I find books, travelling experience and food tasting to be extremely relaxing.
I am currently involved as a Membership Coordinator in BNI Grow Chapter and in the process of launching another 2 BNI chapters in 2021, ...