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Robbie Mathews

Financial Transformation Strategist | International Speaker | AuthorHost of Living Wealthy With Robbie Show on JD3TV.COMPresident-The Mathews Entrepreneur Group, Inc.Robbie Mathews is a successful award-winning global entrepreneur, empowering international speaker, financial transformation strategist, and author. She helps their clients “Transform Their Financial DNA” by providing the knowledge, strategies, empowerment, and accountability needed to effectively manage their personal and small business finances, so they can get out and stay out of debt, spend guilt-free and live financially free.
"MY MOTTO: LIVE WEALTHY-LIVE HEALTHY"Robbie is the co-founder and President of The Mathews Entrepreneur Group, Inc (TMEG) headquartered in Chicago, Illinois in the USA.She is the editor and contributing writer for their self-published books, written by her husband and business partner Michael Bart Mathews: Finding Your Moment of Clarity-Discover Your Power Within and Financially Speaking:...