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Rika Susan

After spending 10+ years in the hospitality industry working with some luxury hotels and resorts, I decided to embark on my own Virtual Assistant journey, so I could have the freedom to work from anywhere, supporting businesses in the industry I have grown to love. Delegating tedious tasks that take up too much of your time is a great way to refocus your attention on your business. As a business owner your main focus should be growing your business and that's where I come in! My goals is to assist you in maximising your growth and success while assisting you with behind-the-scenes, day-to-day tasks that are critical to the foundations of your business. So you are able to devote your full attention to your business and get your time back! Spend it with family, friends, loved ones, or find time for self-care!Services that I provided included: General Admin l Customer Service l Lead Generation l Sales l Marketing l Social MediaLet's chat, so I could explore your needs, and find the ways...