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Jill Lublin

I am Jill Lublin, a master publicity strategist, consultant, speaker, and 4x bestselling author. With 200+ speaking engagements worldwide, I am committed to helping people find their voice and be heard. I empower audiences through interactive keynotes, seminars, and training programs on publicity, networking, and influence marketing; teaching strategies that can raise impact using publicity as a cost-effective tool. Over the past 25 years, I have shared powerful networking and publicity strategies; featured on the stage of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, and I have worked with ABC, NBC, CBS, and other national and international media as a highly regarded publicity expert. Additionally, I have connected with thousands of people who have attended my “Crash Course in Publicity”, an ongoing course I teach virtually. I am considered the go-to person for building success through influence marketing, networking, and publicity. I am the...