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Amy Falken

I am a California native, with a background in nonprofit and for-profit small business development. My first business startups were: A dive boat excursion company; a skydiving school; an auto repair shop; and personal computer sales, service and repair- where I established the first woman-run computer repair shop on the California central coast in the 1980’s. I continued with small office technology, working with early peer-peer networks and building first- generation mulit-media computer systems.I moved from computer repair into the social sector after the birth of my son, learning how to form nonprofit organizations. My first nonprofit formation was in 2001, and I have become a specialist in nonprofit business development with a focus on legal and financial compliance. Since 2006 I have served on the Board of Directors for Sierra NonProfit Services in Sonora, CA, a nonprofit organization that provides training, resources, incubation and fiscal sponsorship to new and existing...