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Marcia Martin

Human Potential Movement Pioneer, Global Speaker, Executive Consultant & Coach, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian.
One of THE MOST PROLIFIC influencers on the who’s who of the most innovative minds in thought leadership in the last 40 years.Marcia Martin is a pioneer of the human potential movement and was Vice President from inception of est (Erhard Seminars Training, now Landmark). She was instrumental in taking the company from inception to a graduate base of millions within a ten-year period.With her extraordinary experience, Marcia was asked to consult and guide many of the major transformational educational companies including LifeSpring, Robbins Research, Jack Canfield Seminars, Wealth Dynamics and the Money and You Seminars.Notably Marcia managed the film shoot of the DVD The Secret - Law of Attraction with Executive Producer Rhonda Byrne and Director Drew Heriot, organizing the film shoot and the speakers who were filmed.Renowned as one of the top transformational trainers...