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Murali Sundaram

Happyness Coach, Founder of TLC Masterminds, Head of Training for BNI India
Mission: Help & transform 1 billion people to become Happier, Energetic, Lighter & Prosperous (HELP) individuals by breathing slowly & deeply (5-10 breaths per minute).- Author of 6 best sellers ( Happyness Coach, Entrepreneur, International Trainer- 24 years in the Training & Selling- Specialist in Neuroscience-Yogic Science-Management Science, Pharmaceutical ScienceMurali has successfully trained more than 323,000 Business Leaders & Professionals, Personal, Managerial & Leadership Effectiveness, Organizational Development, Peak Performance & WellnessHe is the: - Founder & Director of Happyness Coach International - Founder & Creator of *TLC* - Teachers are Leaders Community - A Global Learning Community for *Coaches|Trainers* - Executive Director of BNI, Chennai "A", Head of Training - BNI India, Global Master Trainer for BNI - Co-Creator of Breath@Work...