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Mahendiran Periyasamy

Mahendiran Periyasamy, as Enterprise Evangelist and Certified Agile Coach, Mahendiran has been Inspiring individuals, multiple teams/ leaders and organizations in fostering ‘Healthy’ Agile and 'Lean thinking' culture to unleash their limitless performance by tapping into strengths* Mahendiran, has 21+ years of extensive IT experience including 13+ years of shaping strategies towards successful Agile Transformation (Team level to Enterprise Level). He has a deeper passion for Agile transformation and Lean thinking with the focus on process excellence and agility. He has led Agile and Lean adoption and implementations at diverse clients, including several Fortune 100/500 clients such as FannieMae, GE Aircraft Engines, Blue Cross Blue Shield, PayPal, Humana, Allstate Insurance, Syntel Inc, Trigent, HAL Aircraft Division on complex & large multi-project environments through Agile, Lean, SAFe, Kanban, Six Sigma etc by exhibiting servant leadership behaviors, entrepreneurial spirit,...