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ELANggovan Thanggavilo

ELANggovan Thanggavilo இளங்கோவன் Technologist & Psychologist Expert HRDF Malaysia Registered Trainer Software & ICT Consultant TCM Practitioner with the Ministry of Health, Malaysia “Wisdom is realizing the truth within self and revealing to others” AWARDS● ASEAN 50 Top Business Award from the International Business Federation USA in 2017.● Best Sellers’ Quilly Award at 8th Annual Thought Leader Summit California, USA. (Proposed Invitation)● Nominated Global Leadership Speaker by Oxford Experts, 2018.SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS● Speaker and Facilitator at Kuala Lumpur Engineering Science Fair 2016, Mines - “The 7 Secrets Rhythm, Rewiring the Brain” and Be A Bold Graduate.● Public talk at Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement (MMLM) and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) on Rewiring the Brain via The 7 Secrets Rhythm, 2015.● Speaker at local universities and colleges for Career Advancement & Entrepreneurship, 2014.● FMM Safety Conference On:...