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Subha Nandhini

Mrs. Subha Nandhini Founder and Director of Wordsmith Learning Hub Pte Ltd, Entrepreneur, Peak Performance Coach, Upcoming Author.
Wordsmith Director Mrs. Subha Nandhini - an MBA graduate has passion to bring the best curriculum for Primary children to learn it with ease and fun.
She strongly believes that Emotional Quotient (EQ) plays a major role in this generation kids to bring the best out of them. If all the preparation is done at IQ side and EQ side is not up to the best level, then good results may not be achieved by the students. All the effort and time may go invain, if EQ skills like time management, self-discipline & stress management are not handled properly in important exams like PSLE. She coached her two daughters by imparting EQ skills along with right teaching methods. Her eldest daughter is a ACS(I) student went to London School of Economics(LSE), UK and younger one studying at ACJC, Singapore.
As a Peak Performance Coach, she is keen on equipping the students...