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Veeramohan Supramaniam

Dedicated to the promotion, progress and development of Environmental Health Management and Services in line with our motto, "For the Well-being of Mankind".
The International Federation of Environmental Health and its affiliates especially the Malaysian Association of Environmental Health is committed to identify factors in the Environment which can negatively impact the Health, Safety and Well being of the Living Environment with focus on Mankind who are the only living creatures in the Ecosystem who have been blessed with conscience, comprehension and compassion.
We have been endowed with divine powers to Create, Preserve or Destroy this only planet with the right balance of elements, plants and animals to sustain life as we see it.
Creation and Destruction is often linked to Power and Recognition.
Preservation is for those who feel responsible for overseeing, protecting and caring for and preserving the natural environment for our future generations to inherit this vibrant,...