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Marie Assarsson

Business Coach (ICF), Mindfulness, Social Entrepreneur, Leadership Development, Dietitian
During my childhood I thought that love, confirmation och attention would come to me only if I performed. I became the good, responsive, ambitious and taciturned girl – dreaming of a place in the big world and get on stage. To be seen and listened to.
The small town in which I grew up gave me a feeling of stuffiness and I thougt my dreams would be fulfilled through a university degree and a high quality work. In the city.
But when I had all this, emptyness knocked on my door.”Is this it?” I asked myself. I was surrounded by stressed out people and in the mirror I saw myself as stressed out as everyone else. ”What are we chasing for?” I asked myself.
At last I started my spiritual journey in personal growth. At the same time, my interest in human and our behaviours finally had the possibility to develop much deeper. I started my own company (something I thought I never would do) and...