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Richard Eckley

Founder of Eckley Global Community School ,life coach , author , podcaster , speaker I teach how to achieve a work life balance through better health , wealth , relationships and mindset.
We all need support and help at different stages in our lives and I am here to help .If your fed up of the Monday morning blues ,then it’s time to consider making more of an effort or leave and work for yourself. Many people dream of being their own boss and becoming an entrepreneur. But, something is stopping them. Job security, financial worries, kids or, the most common reason – fear of failure, keeps you stuck in the same job.
How long have you been in a job you cannot stand with no sign of improvement? And no, it’s not wise to run down your boss in the car park to create the only chance of getting promoted! With only 3% (1.5M) working Brits deciding to turn their hobby into a new business, and younger men (25-35) being the most proactive group to follow their dream.
The decision needs...