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Subramani Lakshminarayanan

With 25-years of writing experience, Subramani overcame rejections to become a journalist to serve the English daily Deccan Herald for 18 years as writer and copyeditor. He covered technology, disability, health, and education. Author of the memoir “Lights Out” (2014, Random House India), Subramani was blinded aged 18 by a genetic condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa (R.P.). He has co-founded spruZup Global Pvt Ltd with his friend Akhilesh Malani with the goal of recruiting/partnering 100 people with disability in three years. spruZup is a content and accessibility solutions company accelerated by GoGLOBAL Business School India.
with more than two decades of professional experience with relevant proficiency in all aspects of print and media editorial. Feature writer/reporter, 18 years of various overlapping roles at Deccan Herald such as tech writer (2004-2013), news copy editing and rewriting at nation desk (2009-2017), editing and rewriting at city desk...