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Akhilesh Malani

Just want to tell you about myself. I’m Akhilesh, accessibility trainer/architect/consultant and Founder of SPRUZUP Global, the company I've founded with Subramani. I provide training to both individual and group of people according to their designation and technical levels.I provide training both online and offline according to need.The major verticals of my training are: Websites/WebAppsMobileAppsDesktop AppsETC.Along with training I also provide consultancy services for Accessibility.I make your websites and IT assets work for all types of users, including people with disability, impairments, non-English speakers, people with low or no literacy to help you increase your customer base and conquer markets not considered by companies in your field. Being totally blind, I have an intuitive understanding of the end users, their behaviour and can therefore design/remodel websites and apps to reach the last user in the queue.A brief about me as an individualI am a software technology ...