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A. Deepak Rajkumar

India's First 10X Mindset Designer & Law of Attraction Coach at SKSCA Billionaire Research Foundation
*AWARDS & ACCOLADES* - Creator of ITBF(Instant Transformational Brain Formulas) as part of ULTIMATE SUCCESS MINDSET Training Programs. Certified/ Trained @ Global Top Corporates like TATA MOTORS, FIAT & ROYAL ENFIELD. Trained by Renowned Brain Expert GREGORY CAREMANS & World Class Institutes like BRAIN ACADEMY, ACCENTURE CONSULTING, GoGLOBAL BUSINESS SCHOOL etc. - Multiple Award Winner with 16+ Years of Experience in Successfully Transforming people throughout his Career across Industries. Personally ReProgrammed 8,872 People as TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERS. - Motivational Speaker @ Elite Forums & Educational Institutions. University Topper. Disciple of India's First ZEN Master. Yoga Practitioner for a decade. Green Belt Holder in Karate. *PROUD MEMBER*- Lions/ JCI/ Seyal/ Toastmasters/ FAB/ Vanigam/ GoGlobal Business School/ YES/ TiE/ Onfyx & CMA *VISION*- Social Activist...