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Sam Neo

Sam Neo is currently a founder of 3 start-ups. The first being People Mentality Inc, one of APAC's top 10 HR and Employer Branding consultancy firm that helps organizations become an Employer of Choice. His second company, Stories of Asia, is a Storyteller Incubator that was set up to empower the Asian community with a voice through storytelling. Finally, his latest tech venture, StoryBuddy, is an AI-powered storytelling tool that seeks to change the way people communicate and create content Sam is an HR professional with accelerated experience in market-leading companies such as Keppel Corporation and Changi Airport Group. His burning passion for HR has seen him take on a diverse range of roles in areas of Employer Branding, Talent Management, Business Partnership, Corporate Social Responsibility, Talent Acquisition and Employee Engagement among others.As a trusted advisor, he has worked with leaders in various large and reputable organizations such as Samsung, L’Oreal, Prudential, ...