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Paul Schumann

Paul Schumann: A Multifaceted Professional
Paul Schumann is a seasoned professional with a diverse range of expertise. With a primary focus on debt settlement, he stands out as a negotiation consultant, credit specialist, and real estate broker with over 43 years of experience. Additionally, he has made his mark as a business coach, boasting a network of over 11,000 contacts.
About Paul Schumann: Paul's track record speaks volumes about his proficiency. He has successfully orchestrated hundreds of company debt settlements without demanding any upfront fees. His company operates on a performance-based model, ensuring that clients only pay when they achieve savings. Paul's approach is holistic; he not only helps businesses reduce their overhead from burdensome debts but also provides insights on maintaining positive working capital for continuous operational needs and growth. His negotiation skills are impeccable, ensuring that businesses can continue their relationship with...