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Peter Swain

Peter is an international speaker, best selling author and advocate for AI enablement in all areas of business.Prior to his newfound career in helping people and companies decode AI, Peter was a digital marketeer with over 25 years at the forefront of technology disruption. With a tech career that started with developing yelp (before internet explorer was launched!) he has owned and managed agencies involved in over 1,400 projects with market leaders such as Jamie Oliver, Microsoft, Apple, Google and more.Peter's current focus is to use the knowledge and experience gained from being at the epicentre of 2 tech paradigm shifts to help individuals and institutions see what they have, what they need to succeed and how to bridge the two.On a personal front, Peter is a grateful husband and proud father of two children that continually remind him of the power of being present, 3 time business mastery winner and a terrible golfer that splits his time between Miami and the UK.Peter's driving...