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Andrew Calderella

Andrew was born in Detroit, Michigan USA on March 18, 1966. He is not someone that you would have expected to have started companies and written books. He was born with a lazy eye which made him legally blind in one eye, dyslexia and other “learning disabilities” so he struggled with reading, writing and arithmetic. Little was known about “learning disabilities” at the time so learning and adapting to life’s challenges at an early age was difficult.He learned to compensate and even became an avid reader and listener to books with a lot of extra effort on his part, the support of his mother, sister, a special teacher, and aid from services for the blind and handicapped. It's also important to note that along with these disabilities came some great gifts that allowed him to do and see things others could not. He went on to not only graduate from high school as the Vice President of the student body but went on to earn degrees in Speech & Communications, Religious Studies, &...