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Dr. Vishwanath Kokkonda

Author of the book titled ‘Mastery @ Driving Desire’s journey’ - Available at Amazon & 34,000 book stores across the globe
Represented India at World Governance Expedition 2017 held at London as one among 25 delegates from across India
Honored with prestigious ‘Melvin jones fellowship’ by Lions club international for exemplary social service to the community
Has 2 co-authored international paper presentations in business management discipline
Has 10 business management discipline publications in Indian business journals
Trained 10,000+ working professionals and students in last decade in the areas of Agile, design thinking, analytics, digital marketing, sales and marketing, employability and entrepreneurship
He is on management advisory boards of several budding firms and on academic advisory panels of few top-class business schools in India
Professional experience of around 22 years in SAP Consulting, Operations, Pre-Sales, Business Development, Delivery, Agile...