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Yathiraj Agarwal

Yathiraj Agarwal has been in Sales all his Life and started helping Business Owners and Salespeople including Startups around the world since 1993. He is also Internationally Certified Profit Engineer.Besides Result-oriented (read Result Guaranteed) Sales Training & Coaching, he also offers Coaching and Mentoring to Business Owners and Sales Heads. Due to his experience in Sales and in Business, he has also been invited to conduct training for Leadership, Management, Marketing, Team Building and Motivation.His Flagship Program "3X Your Profit in 1 Year" is a mastermind & Mentorship Program which includes1. Effortless Selling Skills2. Win-Win Negotiation Techniques3. Insider Secrets of Customer Retention & Customer Delight4. Low-cost & No Cost Marketing Strategies5. Creating & managing a Star Sales TeamIn addition, he helps Individuals & Entrepreneurs to Achieve Success through 1-on-1 Coaching on Goal-Getting, Strategizing, Planning & Implementation. He also supports Small & Medium...