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Michael R. Polin ESQ.

Attorney Michael R. Polin is a United States and International Business and Entertainment attorney and entrepreneur with more than 30 years of International and domestic investor representation, business dealings, project deal negotiations, and entrepreneurialism.
Over the course of his career Michael has represented various entities involving healthcare, renewable energies, green sustainability projects, and other important brand development opportunities throughout the United States, China, and Europe. Attorney Polin is the author and creator of the TEACH ME CHINA, TEACH ME ACADEMY, AND soon to be RELEASED “TEACH ME INTERNATIONAL INVESTING “ brands as well as other TEACH ME publications on “HOW TO’S OF DOING BUSINESS INTERNATIONALLY” from an entrepreneurial, investor, and legal point of view.
Michael’s strong focus is on the education and training from an expert view point with many years of understanding the how to and how not to do International and China business. ...