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Aram RajhaKumar Moorthy

Aram RajhaKumar Moorthy is founder of Happy Aram, who is passionate about sharing his personal experience and ongoing journey about parenting.
The impetus for this came with the birth of his child. While the pressure for conformance made him choose the IT profession, even in spite of career ‘successes’ – a good salary, foreign job and promotions – he saw an emptiness associated with material pursuits.
Trials and tribulations in his life only magnified the manifest futility of continuing on a beaten track and he decided that his true calling was in being “the change he wishes to see in this world”.
The realisation dawned upon him that his life’s mission was to spread his thoughts about the importance of facilitating holistic development of children through responsible parenting. His journey as a life-coach started a year ago but the wisdom he brings to the table are derived from five years of meticulous research and reflection on our own strong, age-old, cultural ethos ...