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Soundari Mukherjea

Business Storytelling Coach, Personal Branding Strategist - Online & Offline, Speaker, Mentor, Helping Leaders and teams drive outcomes through Story Powered Conversations.
The ability to be excited about challenge and change provided the impetus to pursue Entrepreneurial goals. Am the Founder and Director of TSol, (Tvameva Solutions Overseas Limited) and spearheading the presence in Hong Kong and APAC.I am the Founding Partner and Director at TSol - we are a Learning Solutions firm based in Hong Kong and India, covering APAC, focussing on programs around Skills, Behaviours, Attitude, Strategy, Storytelling For Leaders, Data Storytelling, Employee Engagement, Assessments, Diversity & Inclusion, Mind Over Matter Quiz for Corporates and Schools and more."The future is uncontrollable, but you can shape your participation in it.” said ROGER MARTINWhen there is an accelerated pace of change, the single most competitive advantage is to be a lifelong learner. Let's get deliberate and...