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Bavani Sivananda

My life began in a beautiful pastoral village in Sri Lanka. The civil war in my native place brought me to Canada as a refugee 30 years ago. My passion to study and practice Holistic Nutrition and Yoga started in 2011 when I was suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and realized that allopathic treatments were not helping me heal.Through my studies, I learned so much about digestion, what can impair the function of the gut, the brain-gut connection, and so much more. Inspired by my own health transformation, I started my health and wellness practice to help people who are tired of IBS symptoms controlling their lives and are ready to implement the necessary steps to take charge of their lives. In my quest to finding the deeper aspect of Yoga, I in 2015, I travelled to the Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore, India to attend a 5-month intense teacher training program in Classical Hatha Yoga. This transformative process has not only deepened my understanding of Yoga...