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Akankasha Singh

Enabling business o.wners take decisions that lead to - target driven - implementation focused growth - with the Embark Business Accelerator l Co Founder & COO l Embark Business Coaching
The Business Enthusiast: With a keen focus on action and execution, Akankasha has been in the business coaching industry for last four years. Enabling business owners to execute their goals and translating them into real results. Coming from an entrepreneurial background, with an MBA from UK, and a decade long experience with corporates like GE, Hitachi Consulting, Akankasha has built a niche in the marketing and operations domains. The Impact Team of EMBARK is nurtured and lead under her guidance, through her delivery in excellence approach. Excited about new and upcoming trends in business, bustling with ideas to make things happen, and gives her everything into ensuring successful completion of things.
The Quirk Turk: Unconventional personified. Spontaneous and ready to experiment new ideas,...