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YP Lai

Certified Dream Coach | Life Transformation Strategist | Productivity Expert | Global Business Trainer | Author | Keynote Speaker | I help busy entrepreneurs work 20 hours less & become 10 X wealthier.
► WHAT I DO: I help busy entrepreneurs work 20 hours less and become 10X wealthier to GAIN back TIME & LIFE for themselves and loved ones.
► HOW I DO IT: I systematically coach you through 7 proven steps to achieve your TIME & FINACIAL FREEDOM and live your Ultimate Dream Life.• Time Mastery ⏰– achieving more results in lesser time• Money Mastery ? – increasing monthly surplus for investment• Income Mastery ? – developing new channels of leveraged income• Health & Fitness Mastery ?️♀– staying at peak energy & peak vitality• Asset Mastery ? – making your money work harder to increase your wealth faster• Growth Mastery ?? – increasing capacity to learn & grow and become better versions of yourself• Relationship Mastery ?–...