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Maji-da Abdi

Multipotentialist. On top of journalism with CNN, Maji directed and worked in production of documentaries as well as engaged fiction films for more than 20 years in the audio visual industry where she also run a film festival.Before the world of images Maji had worked in the corporate world as a manager for tenders of building materials as well as running a supermarket in Ethiopia.Her nature being one of an Engaged heart lead visionary artist she thought creative dance and poetry and worked as a therapist.Currently focused on girls/ women emancipation in regard to menstruations and more to give a a voice for the voices kept in silence.An inclusionist explorer Maji travelled all over the world and speaks many languages. Maji is known for her gift of connecting people, a mystic storyteller with Life calling as an évolution social activist. Mother of two, she is an intuitive , inspired with a creativity flow dedicated to assisting the manifest of new paradigm solutions for innovative...