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GoGLOBAL Business School (GGBS) is our affiliated Professional Business School from Singapore. A wholly owned subsidiary of Our SHINE GoGLOBAL Ltd, it was launched in April 2019. GGBS is created to promote programs and modules of all the GoGLOBAL Mentors Network, through online and offline platforms.
They have a growing range of Signature Transformational Programs, focused in uplifting humanity consciousness, empowering global business leaders, entrepreneurs and youth, creating immense value for the growth of their businesses and in living a fulfilling purpose-driven life.
They inculcate life-long learning culture amidst Global Business Leaders. Programs are conducted using accelerated, hands-on, whole brain-whole being learning methodology, to ensure a transformational experience for participants. GGBS is committed to support Businesses evolve through evolved Business Leadership, for Holistic success for organisations and all its stake holders.